- ParallaxScrollingView: GPU accelerated parallax scrolling view.
- RecyclerViewPresenter: Easy to use adapter framework.
- Geolocator: Location tracking & geofencing. Supports background, killed app, rebooted device different update intervals.
- AndroidVideoTranscoder: On device extracting images from videos to creating video from images.
- KalmanRx: Smoothen rx value streams for e.g. sensor data using kalman filter.
- AndroidResourceExtensions: Extension methods for android's 'R.'-class.
- Android-PGP: Simple PGP encryption/decryption on android.
- Heart-Rate-Ometer: Measures human heart rate using camera and flash light.
- StreamingAndroidLogger: Multiple loggers with separate log levels, e.g. LogcatLogger, CrashlyticsLogger, On-Device-Weblogging, UDP (e.g. Papertrail), SystemLogging.
- MediaGallery: Full screen media gallery.
- FastExoPlayerSeeker: Adds fast seeking for exoplayer. (Note: it also depends on the amount of video encoding, mainly IDR Frames)
- BloodHound: Tiny tracking lib for Google Analytics (FCM & GCM).
- SwipeDirectionViewPager: Custom ViewPager that allows to block left or right swipe gestures.
- WebViewAdapter: Adapter for managing a single WebView by bottom tab navigation.
- Device Informations: Library and app for accessing device information for your android device.
- UrlShortener: Shortens url at runtime.
- TimeBomb: Stops app usage after a period of time has passed starting from app build date.